Saturday, July 25, 2009

Floyd Mayweather Jr. Gets Racial About MMA

Floyd Mayweather Jr. recently went on a tangent about the sport of Mixed Martial Arts. Mayweather likened the sport of MMA to animals, calling fans of the sport, "beer drinkers." Floyd Mayweather Jr. also drew a racial analogy between the sport of boxing and MMA. Floyd said the UFC was created for white people, because they don't know how to fight and cannot dominate in boxing.

First of all, Floyd is talking because he has a show-down with Marquez Sept. 19, in which he will be competing against the UFC in the pay-per-view market. He's talking to create buzz - to be the bad guy - so people will buy his PPV fight against Marquez in hopes of seeing him lose. That is understandable. But I'll prove how full of shit Mayweather really is. Here is an article from a few years ago; Mayweather was contemplating fighting in MMA:

I feel the reason Floyd Mayweather Jr. is talking crap about the UFC/MMA, other than trying to create interest for his upcoming bout, is his insecurity. Floyd feels threatened by the popularity MMA has gotten in the last few years; he is not looked at as the baddest man on the planet. Now, if it weren't for the UFC/MMA, Floyd Mayweather Jr. WOULD be looked at as the baddest combat sports competitor.

Floyd was seriously considering a move to fight in MMA a few years ago, then backed out. Floyd Mayweather Jr. does obviously pay attention to the sport, and realizes its popularity. That probably eats at him; so he throws in racial jabs at the sport and the people who watch it.

Mayweather isn't fooling anybody - no one except hardcore boxing fanboys. Deep down, Mayweather is jealous of the sport, and understands the commitment it takes to compete at the highest levels of MMA. Deep down, Floyd Mayweather Jr. knows he would get destroyed if he faced an MMA'ist.

The ridiculousness of Mayweather's racial analogy pales in comparison to his jealousy; his statement about whites creating MMA, because they don't know how to fight & cannot dominate in boxing. Mayweather needs to learn the definition of "fighting" and "boxing." It's really very elementary, but I wouldn't expect someone as ignorant as Floyd to grasp the difference between the two sports:

Boxing is a limited form of fighting, and cannot be labeled as FIGHTING. MMA on the other hand, while not true fighting, is certainly closer to the real thing than boxing. This makes Floyd Mayweather's statements not only ignorant, but incorrect.

While this blog entry contributes to Mayweather's hype, I thought I'd give my take on it, considering I haven't seen this point of view yet on some of the MMA message boards.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Floyd Mayweather Jr is a tool. its obvious hes jealous and he knows boxing is being swallowed up by mma. if he fought any decent mma fighter he would get dropped on his head.